Friday, September 19, 2008

#65: Grant Writers Can't Fake Collaboration.

Katie Krueger has a great post about her stint as a grant reviewer at the Wisconsin Department of Instruction. They used an interesting process. She describes reviewing grants as the best professional development a grant writer can undertake. I can believe it!

Katie offers some clear advice about how to make life easier for the reviewer. This one caught my attention. I've not heard a reviewer comment on this before.

Secrets From a Grant Reviewer on How to Win Grants: "Include your partners in the planning of the grant application.This was a surprise to me, but it was very clear whether or not applicants had worked with the partners they listed in designing the program and writing the grant. If not, the descriptions of partners’ roles were vague.If they had included them, their specific role with a list of duties and responsibilities were in the application.This cannot be faked. Planning with partners beforehand will set you apart from other applicants."

Thanks for the insight, Katie.


me said...

I am a grant writer and have used your site a lot. I just wanted you to know that you are a great resource to us "newbie's" out here in the big world. This year has been really tough on our agency due to the economy (more need, less funding) and your site has given me great tips to get some of the funding that is available. So thanks...

Ruth Wahtera said...

Thanks, Brianne, you made my day!