A community in Iowa has come up with an interesting community service that could help -- a non-profit Grant Writers Group.
The grant-writing project got a jump-start in April when it received a $2,000 grant of its own from Community State Bank. Fourteen Waukee residents will use the money to attend two separate grant-writing classes this fall. After the classes have concluded, the group will meet regularly to create a list of projects that need money. The first grants could be finished by the end of the year. [Story link]My impression from the brief article is that this is a community-focused group, rather than an organization-focused one. They will find the projects that need help, rather than the organizations. Great approach! (And potential competition.)
Update: this story has been taken off-line, but the group has a webpage here.
Update March 2011: the website is now gone, too. Too bad. It's a good idea. Maybe they got a few projects funded, though.
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