As a grant writer you probably already have the Casey Foundation bookmarked. If you don't, do it now! This site is an invaluable resource for anyone who writes about need.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT online database has a whole new look and feel. Now featuring child well-being measures for the 50 largest U.S. cities, this powerful tool contains more than 100 indicators, including the most recent data available on education, employment and income, poverty, health, and youth risk factors for the United States as a whole, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands."
hello i was wondering how to write a grant, i am 13, and i cant find anything on the web
There are many small grants available for teens for projects that teens -- usually a class or club-- plan and implement themselves. If you write to me at and tell me a bit about what you want a grant for, I can probably point you in the right direction.
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